
Note: This calculations may change with respect to unit rate & if the individial power consumption comes down.

What is ESCO

  • ESCO is an Energy Service Company that provides integrated energy services to its Customers, Which ensures energy efficiency improvement in electrical system.
  • it identifies Opportunity,provides technology product and finance to achieve enery efficiency.
  • its remuneration is directly tied to the energy saving achieved.
  • Turnkey project undertaken for 10 years duration.

Salient benefits of ESCO Project

  • eSmart will make total project investment,ZERO INVESTMENT for Corporation.
  • eSmart will maintain for 10 years,hence NO MAINTENANCE BURDER FOR CORPORATION.
  • 24x7 helpline to receive complaints and redress.
  • Up time above 97%, Service Repairs within 48 Hours;Penalty chargeble for non-performance.
  • Surveillance camera will help to identify/later prevent unlaeful acivity.

Payment to ESCo:

  • 90% of the monetized Energy Saving.
  • 90% of the current maintenance expenses.
  • Broad Band charges for surveillance camera.
  • Payments to be assured through a revolvong Letter of Credit or renewable Bank Guarantee.

Why eSmart Energy Saving Lighting Products:

  • Achieves highest energy savings.
  • Use of only "best in its class" Components.
  • Continual technology upgradation & implementation.
  • Web based Monitoring & control on municiple streetlights.
  • Optional built in camera,in streetlights fot enchanced security and crime monitoring.
  • Enthusiastic & knowledgeable core design team.
  • State of the art manufacturing facilities.
  • Sincere customer support 24 x 7.

Business Model - Munciple Streetlights:

  • Municipal corporation to opt for ESCO.
  • The ESCO brings in the initial investment for LED street light.
  • ESCO will undertake replacement of existing lighting fixtures with corresponding equivalent wattage of the LED and its maintenance.
  • An ESCROW account will be opened with the banker of the municipality: and as a security,municipality shall deposit 6 months energy saving amount to this account.
  • Energy saving will be shared in the ratio of 90% to ESCO and 10% to municipality.

For Streetlight

  • 10 years guarantee for the street light is given by the company. Therefore, no cost to be borne by the Government /Local Body / Organization.
  • Additionally, there is 70-75% and with dimming 80-85% savings in electricity, thus a greener option to light the streets.
  • Electricity costs are likely to increase with time. By installing LED lights, the Government / Local Body / Organizations savings will also increase proportionately.
  • Significant savings in maintenance cost as the expected life span of the street lights is in excess of 15 years.
  • After the contract period all the benefits of the savings goes directly to the Government / Local Body / Organization.

For Tube Lights

  • All tube lights to be replaced at our comapny's cost, and therefore, no capital investment needs to be made by the local bodies / consumers.
  • With this replacement, there will be savings of at least 60 - 70% of the current electricity cost. 5 years warranty for tube light.
  • The company will take on full responsibility of replacement of the LED tube lights for 5 years.

Payment for Tube Lights

In exchange for the services provided, the company receives compensation for saving over a period of 25 months. For additional 36 months warranty compensation for the service charge only.
